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The trademark and patent attorneys of European Trademark service provider Pintz & Partners offer counselling in IP matters and represent clients before courts and authorities (European and Hungarian) for all issues concerning patents, trademarks, designs, competition law, copyright law and also Internet-related matters, e.g. domain dispute resolution. Our patent and trademark attorneys are registered to practice before the EUIPO (formerly OHIM), EPO and WIPO, the community courts, and Hungarian national authorities.
Our firm offers a wide range of IP services – patent, trademark, design, utility model, domain – for the EU and Hungary. Our firm was founded by Gyorgy Pintz in 1983. We are committed to guarantee technically qualified, reliable and flexible service by offering our clients personal commitment, a diversity of ideas and a creative process. We were one of the first patent and law firms in the world to build online services to provide convenient and cost-effective solutions to our foreign clients. We guarantee a high level of services for reasonable prices. Our patent and trademark attorneys have been working in the field of IP protection for more than 40 years. European Trademark filing is one area of this field. EUTM filing provider Pintz & Partners is a versatile patent and trademark law firm with widespread activities in protection of intellectual property. Our field of expertise covers every area of the technical field including physics, mechanics, electronics, microelectronics, and chemistry. We are also well versed in the younger and increasingly important areas of bio- and software technology, among others. Our lawyers practice in the prosecution, defence, and enforcement of patents, utility models and design models as well as preparing and concluding license agreements. When it comes to infringement matters, our office handles contentious cases on a team work basis: our patent attorneys are assisted by lawyers with extensive litigation practice (“barristers”).
Mr. Georg Pintz was a member of the Hungarian IP Protection Council (Advisory Board of the Hungarian Patent Office). He is the vice president of the Consulting Body of Hungarian Internet Providers; and member of the Hungarian Association for the Protection of Industrial Property and Copyright; Hungarian Trademark Association; AIPPI, INTA and other international organisations. He is the president of the Hungarian Intellectual Property Association. He was the first Hungarian expert who was invited to the EPO Standing Advisory Committee.